How to get a tour guide card

After several years of working as a tour guide as well as selling and consulting tours, I was also granted a tour guide card. Working time makes studying and taking exams to get a card easier. With practical experience and the knowledge I learn every day, I feel that passing the exam to get the card is very easy. If before, I thought a tour guide had to be like this or that, then after going to work I found that the reality is sometimes even lighter than I imagined.

What is a tour guide card?

This is a professional card like many other professions such as Lawyer, Driver or Real Estate Broker. My card is a Domestic Tour Guide Card. This card is a mandatory condition for those working as domestic tour guides. In many places, or rather most tourist destinations, there are separate regulations for tour guides. Such as gate control or restrictions or incentives on the use of services at the point

Types of tour guide cards.

There are three types of tour guide cards: domestic tour guide card, international tour guide card and on-site tour guide card. Each card has a different function and scope of use. It can be summarized as follows:

Domestic tour guide card

For guiding domestic tourists on domestic tours. With this card, the tour guide is not allowed to guide foreign tourists or take tourists on foreign trips. My card is a domestic tour guide card. With this card, it is simple to understand that you can practice in the country and the tourists served are Vietnamese

International tour guide card

For domestic and international tour guides including Vietnamese and foreigners traveling domestically as well as abroad. This card has functions and duties including the domestic tour guide card above.

Tour guide card on site.

This card has the smallest working scope of the three cards, the target customers are tourists at tourist destinations. For example, at Vinpearl. Tam island,...Even though the scope of activities is only within the tourist area, the on-site tour guide has the advantage of understanding on-site services and will be a very good support person for the 02 tour guides above.

Procedures for issuance of domestic tour guide card

To be granted a domestic tour guide card, you need to go through the following three steps:

Sign up for a tour guide class

I registered for the domestic tour guide class at Nha Trang University, where I participated in many courses. The training format is online in 3 sessions. Relatively short time. During these three sessions, the program will bring you a lot of general knowledge about the history, geography, politics, culture and society of Vietnam. Questions in the Certificate of Course Completion exam will also be scattered throughout the program. After the program, you need to take the exam including: multiple choice, essay and presentation. For people like me who have worked before, I feel that completing the exam is quite simple and does not take too much effort.

The cost of the course is 2 million VND. After passing the exam, you will be issued a certificate Certificate of completion of tour guide professional training course. This is one of the necessary conditions for you to be granted a card.

Prepare documents for issuance of tour guide card.

The regulations on card issuance documents are clearly shown on the public administration website. You can go to the page Public service to follow the regulations on administrative procedures that interest you, including all fields.

Application for issuance of domestic tour guide card

The application file for card issuance includes 5 components

  1. Application for issuance of domestic tour guide card. You can download the file according to the form
  2. Curriculum vitae with local certification
  3. Health certificate
  4. Copy of intermediate or higher diploma in tourism guiding OR copy of intermediate or higher diploma in any major AND certificate of professional tour guiding.
  5. 3×4 card photo

With condition (1), you just need to download and fill out, print out and sign.

Condition (2), you need to go to the Ward or Commune People's Committee to ask for confirmation. Present signature authentication but no longer confirming resumes like before.

Condition (3): Health examination at a clinic or hospital, fee is about 170,000 VND

Condition (4): divided into 2 cases.

4.1 Graduated from intermediate school or higher in tour guide field: only need a copy of the diploma

4.2 Graduated from hospitality industry: Includes copy of diploma AND certificate of professional tourism guidance.

Condition (5): 3×4 ID photo (02 photos)

After completing the above 5 types of documents, bring them to the one-stop room of the Department of Tourism to submit along with a fee of 650,000 VND (may change depending on time). The application processing time is 15 working days (ie excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays), all will be shown in the Department's appointment letter.

Get a tour guide card.

After printing on the appointment paper, I brought it to Khanh Hoa Tourism Department to receive the card. After about 2 minutes, I received the card. The term is 05 years from the date of issue. You can also check the status, card information as well as other related information on the page to update your card information.

Tour guide card
Tour guide card

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