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Hon Mun – The most poetic island in Nha Trang

A name on the Nha Trang tourist map that any sophisticated tourist knows is Hon Mun Nha Trang island. Hon Mun - 1 of 4 islands known as the most beautiful in Nha Trang. This destination attracts thousands of tourists because of its impressive beauty and extremely rich marine ecosystem.

Hon Mun Nha Trang
Hon Mun Nha Trang with its romantic beauty is definitely an interesting stop for every tourist

When mentioning Nha Trang, visitors will remember the beautiful blue beaches, enchanting islands and extremely interesting sea activities for tourists. Hon Mun Island is not only famous for its name "the most poetic island in Nha Trang Bay" and its unique entertainment activities, but also has a beautiful highlight, the coral diving service at Hon Mun marine reserve. Mun.

Quick view tour to Hon Mun:

Hon Mun Nha Trang with its romantic beauty is definitely an interesting stop for every tourist. Join Khanh Hoa Travel to immediately explore this island that every travel enthusiast wishes to visit through the article below!

Some details about Hon Mun Nha Trang

With a total area of 160km2, Hon Mun island is located in the southeast of Bong Nguyen island, about 14km from the coastal city of Nha Trang. This place is 10km south of Cau Da port, one of the most famous islands in the Khanh Hoa sea, and also one of the tourist destinations in Nha Trang that attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to visit. visit.

Hon Mun Island Nha Trang is one of the 4 most beautiful islands in Nha Trang

The name of the island "Hon Mun" is given according to the characteristics of the rock color on the island, with the jet black rock color resembling ebony here, it has created a difference and is the formation of the island's name. Coming here, you will see steep cliffs or high rocky outcrops standing out against the blue sky of the sea, creating an impression and uniqueness that cannot be compared anywhere else.

The outstanding features of Hon Mun attract tourists

The scene at Hon Mun Island is a harmonious combination between the vast blue of the sea and the cool green of the forest trees. All create an airy and extremely peaceful natural scene.

Hon Mun is also home to many types of coral and marine life of all kinds and richness. Hon Mun is also the first marine conservation area in Southeast Asia and the only one in Vietnam. This place was World Wildlife Fund (WWF) identified as the sea area with the highest marine biodiversity in Vietnam with more than 2,000 species of coral and 1,500 other marine creatures.

NThis place has an extremely rich marine ecosystem (Photo: collected)

In Hon Mun, corals are usually located at a depth of 5m - 10m below sea level, thanks to the interference between two hot and cold sea currents, so Hon Mun owns many types of fish of all different colors and types. Below a depth of 18 m, there are no longer beautiful coral scenes but instead there are many mysterious caves, attracting hundreds of domestic and foreign professional divers to explore. There also exist many marine species that specialize in living in the dark such as rays, lobsters, squids or hydras...

Experience traveling to Hon Mun island Nha Trang

The right time to visit Hon Mun

Nha Trang is blessed by nature with a mild climate. With weather that is not too harsh, you have many ideal times to visit the island. Except for stormy days, you can almost visit Hon Mun easily.

You should go to Hon Mun in the dry season because the weather is pleasant (Photo: collected)

According to my experience Hon Mun tourism Nha Trang, the most ideal time to travel to Nha Trang as well as visit Hon Mun is from July to September every year. At this time, the weather in Nha Trang is beautiful and sunny, the sea water is clear and cool, it is a great time to watch the ocean on scuba diving trips.

From late October to December is the time of storms, you should check the weather forecast before planning to visit this island.

How to get to Hon Mun Nha Trang

Beautiful scuba diving paradise for ocean lovers

Visitors can choose from many different ways to visit Hon Mun such as renting a canoe or buying a day tour to Hon Mun Nha Trang. If it is your first time visiting Nha Trang, you can choose combination tours such as Hon Mun - Hon Tam Nha Trang.

From Vinh Truong port (new port replacing Cau Da port), visitors can go to Hon Mun island by boat or canoe.. Normally, you need to wait for the boat or canoe to have enough people before it will depart. Travel time ranges from 20 to 30 minutes.

Ticket price to Hon Mun Nha Trang

Ticket prices at Hon Mun Nha Trang reference:

  • Entrance ticket 22,000 VND/adult, 11,000 VND/child;
  • Scuba diving tickets About 500,000 VND/person;
  • Tickets for taking photos while diving 200,000 VND/person/10-20 plates
  • Basket boat ticket to fishing village 20,000 VND/adult, 10,000 VND/child
  • Glass bottom boat ticket 100,000 VND/adult, 50,000 VND/child
  • Parachute service ticket 500,000 VND/person

How to book a day tour to Hon Mun

To enjoy the green natural scenery and explore interesting games on Hon Mun island, in addition to traveling on your own, visitors can book a Hon Mun tour on their own or join a group with Nha Trang day tour combos:

– Joining a 4-island tour or a 3-island tour in this form of tour, tourists can combine a day trip to visit 4 islands or 3 islands in Nha Trang Bay. Including visiting Hon Mun, visitors can participate in services at Hon Mun to save time and money.

– Going on a Nha Trang scuba diving tour with a group only goes to Hon Mun island but the advantage is that travel companies take you to the hotel, including meals, tour guides, and insurance for everything.

And to book tour to Hon Mun High quality then Khanh Hoa Travel is ready to accompany you. This option helps travelers:

  • Save a lot of time, travel costs, sightseeing tickets,...;
  • You don't have to wait for a group to join, you can be flexible with the number of people booking a tour;
  • Experience many interesting activities: diving to see coral, kayaking competition, basket boat rowing, visiting the Bird's Nest House,...

What to do at Hon Mun Nha Trang?

Scuba diving Hon Mun Nha Trang

Scuba diving is an activity that almost no tourist wants to miss when they have the opportunity to come to Hon Mun. This is also the type chosen by many tourists because they wear specialized safety clothes and are equipped with professional oxygen tanks. Visitors can safely swim, play, roam and see coral at many different depths without having to hold their breath and can avoid touching sharp coral, ensuring absolute safety.

scuba diving Hon Mun Nha Trang
Not diving yet is not considered going to Hon Mun (Photo: collected)

There are many different forms of scuba diving that visitors can choose from such as: snorkeling, scuba diving. And even if you don't know how to swim, you can still participate in scuba diving. You will be guided by the tour guide for 10 minutes until you can dive.

Diving in Nha Trang with scuba equipment allows you to explore the most beautiful coral reefs in the deep sea instead of just hanging around near the shore like other types of scuba diving. Scuba diving to see coral is more suitable for those who know how to swim. However, if you don't know, you can completely explore the colorful ocean world safely with the help of professional technicians.

ebony sea bottom

The sea water here is clear, you can see the sea bottom. When diving, visitors will freely explore the seabed, see colorful coral reefs, fish, jellyfish, etc. It is not wrong that this place is considered the real aquarium of Nha Trang.

Take a glass bottom boat

If you do not have the health conditions to participate in scuba diving, then choosing to see the underwater world by glass-bottom boat is also quite ideal. This ship has a circular shape like a basket boat, but has a transparent glass layer on the bottom to make it convenient for you to see corals and schools of fish swimming around in the most vivid way.

Enjoy watching marine life while riding a glass bottom boat (Photo: collected)

In addition to observing the underwater landscape with all kinds of living creatures. You can also enjoy the cool atmosphere of the sea, and take impressive photos on the ship.

Walk on the bottom of the sea

Walking on the seabed to see the full image of Hon Mun Nha Trang is also an interesting experience for tourists (Photo: collected)

When coming to Hon Mun, visitors also have the opportunity to experience a very new underwater walking activity. This is one of the rare opportunities for you to immerse yourself in ocean nature and personally touch the fish swimming around through a special specialized device.

Hon Mun is a paradise for exploring the amazing ocean.

This activity does not require you to know how to swim or dive, just wear an oxygen supply helmet with transparent goggles, follow the tour guide's instructions and you can walk slowly on the seabed, witnessing the reef with your own eyes. beautiful coral or colorful fish swimming.

Join floating bars on the sea

In Hon Mun Nha Trang, there is another interesting activity that many tourists like, which is participating in floating bars on the sea. It may sound strange, but the form of playing Bar floating on the sea is "specialty" Rare and hard to find only in Nha Trang, especially when you join the 4-island tour.

Tourists can hardly resist the attraction of floating bars on the sea (Photo: collected)

Offshore, the ships will anchor next to each other, arranged in a U shape, in the middle will decorate a small bar with wine and fruit, play wave music and dance to the music. Furthermore, you will enjoy fruit and wine right under the water, guaranteed to be very fun and exciting

Swimming and participating in beach activities

Visitors will be able to freely take check-in photos and swim at the beach. Coming to Hon Mun, you will be able to freely take check-in photos and bathe in the poetic clear jade green water. Or simply rent an armchair to sunbathe and enjoy the beautiful ocean view. Or more simply, lying on the long armchairs sunbathing and watching the sea view is also wonderful.

Immerse yourself in the clear blue water at Hon Mun island (Photo: collected)

Besides, you can also participate in some interesting games and activities on the sea such as paragliding, kayaking, jet skiing, basket boat rowing, etc. However, to avoid the situation of "cutting and cutting" You should ask the price before using the service.

Some notes when traveling to Hon Mun island Nha Trang

What you need to pay attention to for a trip to Hon Mun island includes:

  • Absolutely protect the environment, maintain general hygiene on the island, do not throw trash indiscriminately, leave trash in the right place or bring it to the mainland.
  • If you rent a canoe to go to Hon Mun on your own, you must pay close attention to where they take you to, whether it is the core area of Hon Mun or Coral Bay. These two places are quite similar so it's easy to be fooled. Furthermore, Hon Mun's core is a conservation area so the coral will be much more beautiful.
  • There are no restaurants or resorts on the island, so visitors need to prepare drinks and snacks before arriving on the island.
  • Do not break coral when diving, you may be fined a lot of money for violations at Hon Mun conservation area.
  • You should book scuba diving services before going to the island to get the cheapest price, the tour operator will carefully guide you as well as commit to diving time.
  • Apply sunscreen, personal hygiene items, and a little cash when participating in the Hon Mun scuba diving tour.
  • You should consider combining a 3-island canoe tour to save time and money.
  • Always listen to the diver's instructions and follow them, practice breathing with a scuba tank before diving directly.
What are you waiting for? Explore Hon Mun Nha Trang right now!!! 

Hon Mun Island Nha Trang is one of the 4 most beautiful islands in Nha Trang, considered as one "Aquarium" The richest and most beautiful in the heart of Southeast Asia. This is our country's first nature reserve with a diverse and rich marine ecosystem that attracts a lot of attention from tourists from all over. Hon Mun Nha Trang is one of the most beautiful sightseeing and diving paradises in Vietnam. It is a place worth experiencing, it will definitely leave many good impressions on you.

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